Security Measures

Dear Friends of Lord of Life,
Back to school season is upon us again! At Lord of Life, we are gearing up for another great year with our Kids of the Kingdom Preschool ministry. Starting August 16th, over 100 kids will be entering our building. Parents will drop off their beloved children and entrust them to the care of our incredible teachers and staff and to the safety of our building. As my own son, William, starts at KOK this year, I can say with confidence that KOK is a gift to our children, their faith, and their future.
I am also aware of the precious trust it takes to drop your child off in the care of other adults for any amount of time. All too often, our news feeds are being hit with tragic stories of violent acts committed in schools. This past March, we experienced this again with the shooting that took place at The Covenant School, a Christian elementary school in Nashville, TN.
The KOK Staff and Board, in consultation with myself and the Lord of Life Congregation Council, are always doing our best to ensure the safety and security of our building for every person that walks through our doors.
With this goal in mind, I want to make you aware of some new procedures that will be in place at Lord of Life at the start of the school year:
· All doors to the building will be locked at all times that KOK is in session (typically M-Th, 9:00 am – 2:00 pm)
· Any visitors to KOK will be asked to use the KOK doors (closest to garage and driveway)
· Any visitors to LOL will be let in through the Porte Cache doors
o Visitors may need to ring the bell and wait to be let in
o Visitors will be asked to sign in at the Welcome Desk and state their intended destination within the building
o Visitors will be asked to leave through the same doors as they entered and sign out upon departure
· Hands of Faith will keep their same hours but any visitors to the store will need to sign in at the Welcome Desk if they leave the store area.
We realize it may feel cumbersome to have to be “let in” to a building that so many of us consider a sacred space that we can call our own; but this is a simple step that we can all take to help maintain a safe and secure environment for our KOK students and staff so that they can continue sharing the love of God on our behalf!
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your help in keeping our students safe and living into our vision, “That all have life through the love of Christ!”
God loves each of you and I do too,
Pastor David Bauser
office: 281-367-7016
